San Fernando - Bahía Sur Train Station

General information

Fachada de la estación de trenes con cartel rojo donde pone de San Fernando
San Fernando - Bahía Sur Train Station

There is no direct access to Conil de la Frontera by train. To get to Conil by train, you must stop at the train station in the municipality of San Fernando, located 23.98 km from Conil. From the station of San Fernando you must change means of transport to get to Conil : car or bus, this change can also be made in the stations of Jerez de la Frontera, El Puerto de Santa María,Puerto Real, San Fernando or Cadiz.
The San Fernando train station is 38 km away from Conil de la Frontera. From San Fernando, the journey to the town can be made by public transport or in your own vehicle. Through the website of the train station you can make reservations,sales and have access to customer service.

Our location

Interesting data

Avenida del Ferrocarril, s/n, 11100, Jerez de la Frontera, Andalucía, Cádiz, ES
How to get

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